Thursday, April 2, 2009

Inspiration to be more than GREEN...Be a RAINBOW!

Being a committed raw food vegan for a long time will make you aware in a very powerful way of your connection to the earth and your part in the cycle of things. The native americans certainly were/are aware of our interconnectedness with the planet, which this video shows. Recently I have been reading a lot of Ethnobotany essays, profoundly detailing our interconnectedness with and dependence on plants and biodiversity. You don't need to be a hippy or a native american to understand how important it is that we all start to live more in tune with the planet again, which is opposed to actions like continuing to use plastic bags, fossil fuels, eat mass produced animal flesh, use air conditioners when we don't need to, take 30 minute showers, create a surplus of unhealthy food like wheat and other monocrops that contribute to over-population on the planet and that crowd out sustainable agriculture, treat our bodies like shit and then try to survive by taking antibiotics and pharmaceuticals, create 1000's of new toxic chemicals and spread them across the planet every year, and so, so much more...

BE the change you wish to see in the world.

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