Tuesday, December 29, 2009

It's a Vegan Raw Food Recipe Christmas

Happy holidays everyone. For Christmas I made several items from Alissa Cohen's "Living on Live Food," which I have owned for many, many years! Here are some pics of my raw, spouted lentils, germinated walnuts, and her book all ready to go for the recipes!

This was my first time making these recipes from her book:

"BBQ Chicken Fingers"

"Noasted Turkey" which is really just this amazing Raw Stuffing...

As you can see, I decorated it after dehyration, with parsley and some of the cranberry sauce. Beautiful Christmas color!

"Waldorf Salad" with a raw mayonnaise

I also made my own cranberry sauce which I perfected last year, and always make it for Thanksgiving and often Christmas too now.

I knew I wanted to do a big fresh picked arrugula salad as well, since I was inspired on Thanksgiving by June Louks beautiful arrugula salad from her garden. June let me pick some of her arrugula for the salad! Yum. I put a variation of my Creamy Pumpkin Seed Miso Dressing on it:

When I de-stemmed the arrugala, my brother's Malamute gladly ate the stems for me:


Freelancer On Fly - Charlot said...

Hmmmmmmm! love raw foods!!! :) I enjoy reading your blog!
Just to share from James Reno piece for
Raw-Food-Repair.com called
Raw Food Diet Made Easy! You might be interested on it...Check it out and enjoy!

James Reno said...

Hi Corin. I am glad I found your blog. I also enjoy reading that more raw food celebrities are living and promoting this healthy lifestyle.


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