Saturday, January 24, 2009

Raw Food Booth at the GoGreenExpo!

Bryan Au and Corin at the GoGreenExpo

Had a really great day at the GoGreenExpo today, after my friend Brian Au of Raw In Ten Minutes invited me to come down and help out at his booth. I'm so glad I got a chance to go, it was a tremendously successful event, incredible turnout, more than I've seen at other similar expos. I got to connect with soooooo many lovely people and help them with some raw food inspiration and really belp promote Brian as well. It was also so inspirational to be around Brian and to see the tremendous response and success he is having. Go Brian! You RAWk! Brian's books and knives are amazing, and he will give you the best deal anywhere at his site, so go check him out! Brian and I will be throwing an Elements For Life Superfood Party in the near future! Contact me through this contact form on my main site if you want to be on the invite list.

Mariel Hemingway spoke and promoted her new book at the event today, which looks like it has a really great message, unfortunately she said a few negative words about raw food, which I felt was in poor taste considering she was telling her audience to go green starting with making your body a temple. She was trying to look for a more universal message, so she is even supporting meat. I think she has made a poor choice, although I understand she is looking for universality to get her message across, because people of course don't want to hear that they should stop eating meat or clean their colon out so raw foods don't give them gas. Other than that, as I said, her new book carries am important message.

Going Raw Vegan is definitely the most important choice a person could make to be "Green," because eating is a choice we make several times a day , everyday, so this choice thus has tremendous affects on the environment through how the food was grown, transported, processed, and the trash it created. Eating Raw Vegan reconnects you to nature, stops the trash cycle, and then of course doesn't support the meat and dairy industries, one of the biggest sources of pollution and ecological destruction we've created. It also gives people the greatest aweareness of how and why to eat locally and organic.

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